When you look at other stuff from you did before that, it seems like there are some different styles in your portfolio and that it went from more black & white contrast to using more color in the newer projects.
So when I started out I really was into black & white, high contrast and that mix between punk & graffiti styles. The thing is that I can get really bored by repeating myself and doing the same stuff. Over time I’d lose some interest in just doing graffiti because it felt more like a constraint than anything else. So my approach is to take the stuff I feel comfortable with doing and then add other new components with different technics, materials and so on. That’s what drives me and how I keep challenging myself.
Speaking about materials: what kind of stuff are you mostly using?
Since the beginning I’ve always really been into markers. It’s a very prevalent tool in graffiti, so I naturally gravitated towards that. At the time I would always try to get the good expensive stuff but for now I really like using that cheap ones you can buy for maybe 1€ at the store. To me it’s more about using the cheaper supply and get the most out of it. I like that thought. If you look at that goat landscape artwork we just talked about: I drew that one on a napkin. I like the thought of using my skills on the stuff I have instead of always having the best supply. It’s more of a way to not having to rely solely on the quality of the materials and to put my ideas and technics to the test. At the same time, it opens the door to new textures and possibilities that you wouldn’t get with supplies of greater quality.
What would you point out as your main sources of inspiration?
I’ve been into different cultures and scenes from a really young age. I would say visually, I would take notice of tags and graffiti around my area. Later as I developed my interest in music, I started looking at flyers or album covers mainly from the hardcore and powerviolence scenes. They’d use that mix between punk, goth & graffiti styles, mostly in black & white with high contrast. So if you look at my first works you definitely can see the influence.
Is there a certain album or artist you’d be a fan of or get inspired by?
As early references I always point out Raymond Pettibon for all the work he did for Black Flag, Sonic Youth and more punk bands in the early 80s. Also the work of Rohan Harrison for the Australian band Extortion had a big impact on me growing up. Recently is harder to pinpoint specific references due to them being a bit scattered across different styles and scenes.